Sometimes we realize and sometimes we dont.
All the frequently asked questions should go to ourself. We change for the better or ...

“Hari ini harus lebih baik dari kemarin. Dan esok harus lebih baik dari hari ini. Maka kamu bukan termasuk orang yang merugi”

The dangerous thing is when others know your weakness but you dont. You think it’s a positive thing and you still come up with it. While it’s the opposite.
I am not saying that it can harm others, but thats what i am saying. We might didnt know right? That is why keep mirroring ourself. What sins we’ve already made for the whole day, months, and life. Think and think and think how if Allah swt dont want to forgive us? The poorest things ever. And never let that happen!

Always and always ask Allah swt for forgiveness. We never know which word that can make Allah swt forgives us :)
So yes, the amounts of us remembering Allah swt will getting increase, and thats so pretty good news.

I am not pretty good at changing myself. I often get distract over things that I shouldn’t. I am complaining to myself ha ha. Thats what I’ve always do.

Remember : obat itu nggak enak, tapi in shaa Allah bisa bantu kita sembuh.

Sholat 5 waktu sehari buat apa sih? Buat bersyukur dong :) karena meski seharian kita buat dosa, tapi kita nggak langsung masuk neraka. Kan? He he kalau pun kita mati waktu kita berbuat dosa, Allah swt tetep bakalan lihat catatan amal baik kita seberapa banyak. Nah kalo gitu nggak ada salahnya kan meminimalisir dosa setiap harinya, just in case kita dipanggil ketika kita berbuat baik, nambah dong catatan amal baik di notesnya malaikat hi hi.


Jangan bikin setan nganggur dengan kita ambil alih kerjaan mereka. Jangan! Biarin mereka sibuk godain kita. Nggak usah digubris setan mah :) pokoknya setiap dia gangguinnya udah bikin kita hampir mlipir, langsung istighfar, dzikir, inget Allah inget Allah.

Kontrol nafsu. Karena setan menyerang nafsu kita. Perkuat pertahanan, dengan sholat, doa dan doa. Remember, dosa itu juga bisa memperlambat doa kita terkabul. So once again, never let that happens. Just don’t.

-dont forget to pray because I pray for you too-
